I think we should rent an entire floor of a hotel, all get together "the night before" and do shots of apple juice chased with "Go Lightly" (colonoscopy prep). Tray of prunes as appetizers.
Think about it. Together we can reflect on our high school memories, play spin the bottle, twister, monopoly and when things start "HAPPENING" around there, we can go back to our room for those "private moments"
Let's be sure to get one of those hotels that have those new automatic flush toilets, they are neat! You just stand up and they flush. Of course we'll have to be careful, we might just wear out a hip while we are there.
I'm glad it's Friday today, aren't you? Enjoy your weekend ~
"Gladys Friday" ~ Cheers!
"Gladys Friday" is excited! She has been invited to be the Keynote for VMGMA ~ Virginia Medical Group Management Association in Charlottesville, Virginia. Denise Price Thomas has been invited to present break out sessions during the conference.
To schedule "Training Wheels in Heels©" for your facility call or email Denise Price Thomas 704-747-8699 denisepricethomas@gmail.com
"Ms. Gladys" spoke for the Western Carolina Medical Group Managers Association ~ WCMGMA and had a wonderful time! What a super welcome to Asheville, a great tour and terrific meal at Vinny's (awesome) and most importantly, new found friends. They really know how to spoil a girl. Oh and by the way, the surveys for "Gladys" ~ every one rated her presentation as EXCELLENT! WOW!!! Thank you all ~ can't wait to see you again.
"Ms. Gladys" was also invited to entertain for the Good Shepherd Methodist Church Thanksgiving Banquet. Fun group, lots of laughs and super nice people.
Denise spoke for Morning Glories Group in Dallas
On the horizon for Denise Price Thomas (and sometimes "Gladys"):
- Motivational Makeover for the Medical Practice Series
- Customer Service Training
- Undercover Patient Assessment
- Speaker for Cypress of Charlotte
- Speaker for EMSpire Christmas Party
- Cancer Services
- and more.....